Thursday, July 24, 2008


ma distreaza ca am recitit acum postul anterior si-mi dau seama ca si despre carti scriu aici ca si cum ar fi vorba fix despre mine in continuare, despre capriciile mele :) si probabil nici macar nu e corect

si ma distreaza ca m-am imbracat in alb si negru si mi se pare ca sunt ciudata, scindata, poate n-am fost pregatita : P, poate trebuia sa raman in continuare la culori nisipoase, prafuite :)

si ma distreaza ca ma simt f bine si oana imi aduce peste putin timp o multime de carti numai poezie si probabil o sa ma prabusesc si cand o sa-mi revin in simtiri o sa inot pe sub apa : P

si mi-am descarcat filme dupa mult timp si toti prietenii mei sunt in momentul asta ok nu e nimeni accident grav :)

si ma distreaza ca in manastur story andrei dobos ii priveste atat de mult pe CEILALTI cum niciun alt poet douamiist nu o mai face. sunt atatea personaje acolo si nu sunt inventate ca la altii ci real people. probabil pt ca andrei iubeste oamenii mai mult :)

si mai am putin si termin aldulescu si nu-mi mai place chiar asa de mult probabil pentru ca nu reusesc temporar sa empatizez cu romania :D deja am inceput pe dedesubt sa recitesc omul fara insusiri

si cred ca o sa mor inainte sa se inventeze pastila-de-hranit

si m-am saturat de viata-asa-cum-este si vreau si fotografii si regizorii si scriitorii si artistii plastici mai putin pt ca ei deja sa nu mai FACA viata-asa-cum-este. sau nu numai viata-asa-cum-este

si nu mi-am mai cumparat nimic-nimic de doua zile. si nu mi-am mai schimbat piesele pentru outdoor si vreau sa vad daca innebunesc ascultand aceleasi piese. probabil.

si iata ce se intampla in lume. politica-religie-sport. nu stiu ce mi-a venit. probabil ma distreaza si asta dar deja aici trebuie sa fie isterie : P

si isterie e si foto. numai papusi blythe

world news:

Hugo Chavez was on a hug-and-make-up
visit to Spain on Friday, his first since a now-infamous
exchange in which Spain's normally reserved monarch told
the voluble Venezuelan leader to «shut up» at a summit in
Chile last year.

Students at a New Zealand
university have offered a reward to any student who carries
out a citizen's arrest of U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice during her visit to the country.
Auckland University Students' Association President, David
Do, says the 5,000 New Zealand dollar (US$3,700) reward
will be paid for a citizen's arrest of Rice for
«overseeing the illegal invasion and continued
occupation» of Iraq.

Asian markets fall sharply following Wall Street losses

The Athletes Village, a sprawling complex of high-rise
apartments that will lodge 16,000 athletes and officials,
formally opens Sunday

China unveiled its largest team of 639
athletes Friday for the Beijing Olympics, a squad many
expect will dislodge the United States from the top of the
medal table.

Eight people have been killed 23 injured
after a mosque that was under construction collapsed in
northwest China.

Solemn hymns and prayers are
resonating in golden-domed Orthodox cathedrals across
Ukraine on Friday to mark the 1020th anniversary of this
region's conversion to Christianity.
But the sonorous sounds may be drowned out by the din of a
fierce political battle.
Ukrainian officials are determined to use the events to
lobby for autonomy for the local church from Russia, while
the dominant Moscow Patriarchate will fight to retain
influence over this mostly Orthodox country of 46 million.


At the 16 th edition, the event, organized by Sighisoara Town Hall aims to put an emphasis on the ambience specific to the Middles Ages and to bring back to life a world which many thought long gone (knights, witches, clowns and monks will be strolling on narrow streets and by the old walls) .

1 comment:

obiectepierdute said...

pai e vorba despre tine :D